Why this Blog?

 The First "Why"- Why do we need this blog?

  • Because we all perform beauty and appearance every day

Why this Blog? 
  • Because beauty work: fashion, clothing, make-up, hair, jewelry, accessories are all the most accessible form of artistic expression that we have

  • Because we communicate with our beauty work, and others want to receive that message

  • Because beauty work is sometimes seen as “women’s work” and therefore dismissed

  • Because sometimes we don’t know how to process what we see and we just react

  • Because we don’t think about it with our thinking brains when we just react, and this can be a place to think through what we see

  • Because not thinking with our thinking brains isn’t helpful to us or to others

  • Because I want to think out loud about these ideas and issues and find a non-academic voice

  • Because I want to give and receive (give ideas/knowledge and receive feedback)
